Thursday, December 18, 2008

At Casa De Piedra

There was a message on the machine from Chris and Hazel from yesterday evening. They moved to the second camp on their approach to Aconcagua. Casa De Piedra (House of Stone) is about 8 miles up the Vacas Valley from their previous camp. The team traveled the distance in roughly 5 hours, which is a great time for the terrain.

Leaving the Pamaps de Lenas camp, the group hiked past a pretty waterfall called Lagrimas de la Vieja (Old Woman's Tears). Above them they were greeted and escorted for a short ways by a soaring Andean Condor! These huge birds with 274 to 310 cm (9 to 10 ft) wingspans are the largest flying birds in the western hemisphere. They are truly magnificent to see in the wild and are considered a threatened species. To put this sighting in perspective, despite having spent three years of my life in the Andes, I have only seen Andean Condors on a half dozen occasions.

Everyone is doing great, and Hazel asked that i pass along her warmest wishes to her friend Blanche. Hazel is thinking of you and wishing you the very best.

I expect to hear from them shortly with news of their arrival at the Plaza Argentina base camp.

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